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Stewardship 2024

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Much of what we see in our community life at church - our worship, music, formation, and fellowship, are the vibrant fruits of much less visible work. Beneath the surface are countless hours of service, love, and relationship building. We often say thanks for the fruits, but it’s equally important to say thank you for that which feeds the great abundance we share in. 


In this stewardship season, we are giving thanks for the deep roots of our community, and the abundant soil we find ourselves in. This is much more than just financial abundance, but also the manifold gifts of the Spirit of love, compassion, gratitude, and care found in this place. There is much for us to be grateful for. Even as we wrestle with the changing landscape of the world around us and facing new challenges of how to be church today, we are still seeing God amongst us. The Spirit continues to move in our community, and we are blessed to be nurtured and fed by such richness. 


This year’s stewardship theme, “Rooted in Abundance” centers our giving on the overflowing grace already found in our community. The fruits born of our abundance are all around us: from our close-knit church family, joyful worship and beautiful music, meaningful formation, and emerging programs for our youngest members, there is no doubt that the Spirit is alive and well at Emmanuel. It is with deep gratitude that I say thank you, for all that you give and do to make our community so special. 


In thanksgiving for all that we have, and all that we are doing, I invite you to prayerfully consider how you can continue to build up and nurture this community in the coming year. In addition to the gifts of time and talent that so many of you give, pledges are an integral way in which the work of the church is supported. In our giving, we can work together to continue to bear fruit not only within our church community, but in the larger community around us.  


With gratitude,


Rev, Elizabeth Riley, Rector

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