Stewardship: Frequently Asked Questions
What is pledging?
Pledging is a spiritual practice of giving back to God in thanks for all we receive
from God. Pledging is making a commitment to Emmanuel how much you plan
to financial support the church in the coming year. It allows the church to build
a budget around the income we expect to receive. Your pledge card allows us
to know your commitment and plan accordingly.
Who should pledge?
Everyone! Really, everyone should pledge. Families, individuals, youth, and even children, are all encouraged to participate in giving back to God. This is in some ways even more important than how much one gives. What matters most is that all people are given the opportunity to give back to God. If you consider yourself a member of our community you are encouraged to pledge.
How much should I pledge?
This is a very personal decision. Every person pledges differently based on what they feel called to give and what they are able to give. Some people give a tithe (10%) of their income. Some give less. Some give more. There is no right amount to pledge. All pledges are welcome and help us do the work we are called to do at Emmanuel. What’s important is that each individual prayerfully discern what they are called to give.
How do I pledge?
You can pledge by filling out the pledge card that was mailed to you and returning it to the church office or rector. You can also fill out an online pledge card under the giving tab on the Emmanuel website. Please return your pledge card to Emmanuel by November 10.
What if I have more questions?
Sue Stiles, Treasurer or Fr. Patrick Raymond, Interim Rector, either would be happy to have a conversation with you about pledging and supporting Emmanuel.