Something that I learned at the Edible Hope kitchen service is if you looked closer at somebody, you will see that they are not as different from you. When woke up this morning, I thought that the people that I will be serving will not be talkative at all and point at things that they want, but they changed my mind about them went they smiled and thanked me when I gave them the food portion that they wanted. They even thanked everyone with me when we took the garbage out at clean-up time.
Hailey Petersen
I learned many different things today like that every person is a human. I also learned that they all have a story to tell. They were very kind, talkative, and. had stories to tell. They always said “Thank You” when I served them their food. They put the chairs back when we could do that. They always smiled and asked how was our day and we said it back.
Adie Way
